Merry Christmas!
A weekly reflection of my life's events that will hopefully entertain and encourage you.
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Two Great Christmas Services

On Sunday at 10:35am, we have our annual Christmas Party for Jesus (Only 1 service this Sunday). This service was begun a few years ago as a way of teaching our children the reality and importance of Christmas. We serve cake, blow out candles, and have a great time celebrating the birth of Jesus. Both the young and the young at heart will find this service meaningful.
Then on Christmas Eve at 6:00pm we have our traditional candlelight service. Join us for lots of hot chocolate and cookies. The band will be playing your favorite carols and there will be a gift for each child. Childcare is provided for children 0-4 years of age.
Sunday, December 16, 2012
My thoughts regarding the tragedy in Connecticut
I first heard the news around 10:00am when my smart phone vibrated an alert from CNN. I followed the story throughout the entire day as new details were released. I talked with friends as we waited outside our school to pick up our children. My first thoughts are "God, Why?" Innocent children and heroic teachers, lives ended in a flash. Then in the sadness of the moment, I put myself in these parents shoes and I got a small taste of their despair and hopelessness. So what help is there for these grieving, broken families...I certainly have no answers. There is nothing that can be said, done, or given that can in any way repair the devastation that has come on their lives. I must admit that for a few moments I have my own doubts about the reality of God and his love. How could God allow this? If anyone in society deserves protection it is innocent children. But then I remember that the very fact that I am so saddened and outraged by this tragedy is proof that God exists. The fact that we (humanity) are made in God's image is why this is a tragedy. We are not just some highly evolved animals as some would suggest. We are made in his image and therefore we and life are precious. So how do we respond to this mess?
Psalm 23 (NLT)
1 A psalm of David. The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need. 2 He lets me rest in green meadows; he leads me beside peaceful streams. 3 He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to his name. 4 Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me. 5 You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies. You honor me by anointing my head with oil. My cup overflows with blessings. 6 Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will live in the house of the Lord forever.
- First, we trust and have faith in God that...He will bring about justice for these innocent lives, that He sees beyond what we see and is in control, and that He will make all things right one day.
- Second, we remember that eternity is real. Every person is made for eternity. If this life alone is the beginning and end, then we all have no hope. Heaven is real. It is place of no tears, no fear, no tragedies...So as followers of Jesus we pray, "Come Lord Jesus Come!" Only Christ can bring about the change in this world that we so desperately need.
- Lastly, we value life and don't take it for granted. Hug your kids, play with them, enjoy life...we don't know when it will be gone. Every day families endure these types of tragedies but they don't get the media coverage. In cities like Oakland, families are torn apart by violence almost every day. We have no guarantees in this life so don't take this life for granted...
Psalm 23 (NLT)
1 A psalm of David. The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need. 2 He lets me rest in green meadows; he leads me beside peaceful streams. 3 He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to his name. 4 Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me. 5 You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies. You honor me by anointing my head with oil. My cup overflows with blessings. 6 Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will live in the house of the Lord forever.
Tyndale House Publishers. (2004). Holy Bible : New Living Translation.
(2nd ed.). Wheaton, Ill.: Tyndale House Publishers.
Monday, December 3, 2012
Volunteer Christmas Party
The kids weren't really excited that I asked them to clean a really hot grill. |
Me and 32lbs of Tri-Tip!!! | wife is hot! |
My wife did a fantastic job with the mashed potatoes! |
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Lots and Lots of Good Stuff Going On
It's been a little over a month since I last posted but I have a good excuse, I have been really busy doing lots of really fun stuff!

First want to say thanks to Carrie Pitta and our Events team that made our Thanksgiving Praise Service a huge success! It was great to hear the testimonies from our church family and to share a Thanksgiving meal with so many of our friends.
Congratulations to the five that publicly announced their decision to follow Christ through baptism! I think that is our 13th baptism of year...very awesome to lead a church family that has made reaching the unchurched such a huge priority.
Lastly, my family had the huge blessing of vacationing on a Disney Cruise down to the Mexican Riviera. My parents were very generous and paid for my family and my brother's family to join them on the cruise. It was really cool to hang out with my entire extended family and especially cool to get to know my wonderful nieces and nephews. Then we made a quick trip up to Tahoe before Thanksgiving and enjoyed hanging out with Cecil's parents.
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving...if you are interested in hearing a little different take on Thanksgiving here is the link to the short message I shared at our Praise Service.
First want to say thanks to Carrie Pitta and our Events team that made our Thanksgiving Praise Service a huge success! It was great to hear the testimonies from our church family and to share a Thanksgiving meal with so many of our friends.
Congratulations to the five that publicly announced their decision to follow Christ through baptism! I think that is our 13th baptism of year...very awesome to lead a church family that has made reaching the unchurched such a huge priority.
Lastly, my family had the huge blessing of vacationing on a Disney Cruise down to the Mexican Riviera. My parents were very generous and paid for my family and my brother's family to join them on the cruise. It was really cool to hang out with my entire extended family and especially cool to get to know my wonderful nieces and nephews. Then we made a quick trip up to Tahoe before Thanksgiving and enjoyed hanging out with Cecil's parents.
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving...if you are interested in hearing a little different take on Thanksgiving here is the link to the short message I shared at our Praise Service.
Monday, October 22, 2012
Happy my not so little, little girl!
Singing Happy Birthday at Home |
Celebrating at school |
Hanging out with friends at Great America |
Thursday, October 11, 2012
5 Places to Get Bad Marriage Advice | All Pro Dad
Found this article which has some really good ideas about marriage advice. Hope you enjoy:
2. Those Sour on Marriage. Misery loves company, so we have a natural desire to go to a place where we think our feelings and opinions will be validated rather than challenged. Those in a marriage crisis will sometimes turn to another unhappily married or divorced friend whom they know will say, “Believe me, I know. You’ve gotta do what’s best for you.” But is that the smart thing to do? Wouldn’t it make more sense to talk to a friend who’s happily married who might offer insight you don’t already possess?
Read the rest here:
5 Places to Get Bad Marriage Advice | All Pro Dad
When your marriage is on the ropes and you’re feeling hopeless, it’s natural to want someone to lean on. That’s why lots of people turn to various people in their lives to share their problems at home and get advice. But be careful where you turn, or you may compound the stress on an already-fragile marriage.
1. Friends of the Opposite Sex. It’s a tale as old as time: one friend begins to confide in another, and as they talk through her problems and she offers support and consolation, something more happens. Without ever intending to, they’ve formed an emotional bond that’s inappropriate and can easily lead to an affair. Suddenly, a marriage that had some problems has even more. If you must talk to a friend, make it a friend of the same gender.2. Those Sour on Marriage. Misery loves company, so we have a natural desire to go to a place where we think our feelings and opinions will be validated rather than challenged. Those in a marriage crisis will sometimes turn to another unhappily married or divorced friend whom they know will say, “Believe me, I know. You’ve gotta do what’s best for you.” But is that the smart thing to do? Wouldn’t it make more sense to talk to a friend who’s happily married who might offer insight you don’t already possess?
Read the rest here:
5 Places to Get Bad Marriage Advice | All Pro Dad
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Getting Bad Advice
If there is one thing that I have done successfully through my relatively young and limited life it is this: I have sought out good advice. I can list off the numerous people that have influenced my thinking and decision...some through their writings and others through their friendship. I still remember just a few months after getting married that my wife and I wanted to open up an investment account. At the time, I really didn't know about much the stock market and investing but I did know it was wise to save for the future. So I sought out advice from a person that I respected, my wife's uncle Lorenzo. He had a good track record of managing his money wisely and I wanted to learn from him. It has always surprised me how resistant some people are to good advice. I think sometimes it's our pride, other times we know what is right but we really don't care and just want to do what is easiest at the time. I think it's wise to have advisors for all areas of life. I have people I talk to about: theology, church growth/management, marriage, parenting, finances, business, etc...Do you have people in your life that you go to for advice? Here is a quick criteria I use for deciding who should be an advisor:
- Are they credible? Would you be willing to switch places with them in life? If your kids turn out like their kids would you be pleased? If your marriage was like their marriage would you be happy? It amazes me that people get marraige advice from the guy who is divorced, finacial advice from the guy who is broke, parenting advice from guy whose kids hate him, and spiritual advice from people who have repeatedly demonstrated they have no spiritual or moral ethics. Don't be stupid...find people who not only talk the talk but walk the walk.
- Do they share myvalues? If you are follower of Jesus and desire to invest your life in God's Kingdom then look for people who believe and live the same way. I don't want to be influenced towards a self-centered lifestyle. I believe that this life is just a drop in the bucket of eternity. I don't want to live my life like this is all there is. Eternity is real, God is real, and I want my life to accomplish something of eternal value. So when it comes to getting advice about my values or family decision, I look for someone who shares that perspective.
- Do they have some maturity/age? How you finish in life is more important than how you start. Sometimes we get advice from people that isn't realistic in the longhaul. I want to find balance and sustainabililty for me and my family. I'm suspicious of the newest fads. Will this advice help me accomplish my goals in the long-term.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Great Weekend at Men's Retreat
Really had a great time hanging out with the guys from MSC this past weekend. The men's retreat was really solid. Special props for the food (we all ate like gluttons)! So for all you guys that missed out this year, make your plans now to attend in September 2013.
I heard good things from the Sunday services...Drew did a great job! Special thanks to everyone who helped with the Newark Days Parade. Sorry I wasn't here to participate but I heard we were excellent.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Awesome Day At Church Yesterday!
Church yesterday was great! The message was great (Drew did awesome)! The music was great! The relationship time with friends was great! The Parenting Small Group was great! It was very rewarding to see how our church family is moving forward in spritual growth. People are using their abilities to build God's Kingdom and because of that we are seeing our church family grow. Over the last six weeks we have seen more than 14 families visit our church and the almost all of them have continued attending. We are seeing them get involved and get connected. For all of you that follow Christ with passion, give finanicially, serve in ministry, and love each other unconditionally...THANK YOU! You make my job easy. I love all of you.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
A Balanced Biblical View of Homosexuality
One of the truly hot button issues of our generation is homosexuality and same-sex attraction. It is partially a political issue with the constant battle over same-sex marriage. But more importantly to me (and for all Christ followers), it is at its root a moral issue. Regardless of what culture or government says about the subject, we (believers) must answer to a much higher authority. Rarely do I find balanced, well-written material that represents by position on a subject. This article from Christinity Today really captures the essence of what I believe to be a reasoned, Biblical response to the issue of homosexuality.
Hope you enjoy reading it. Feel free to post your thoughts.
Let's Not Cut Christ to Pieces | Christianity Today
Hope you enjoy reading it. Feel free to post your thoughts.
Let's Not Cut Christ to Pieces | Christianity Today
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Great week of Mega Sports Camp!
Just wanted to express my thanks to the many volunteers that helped make Mega Sports Camp such a huge success! We had an awesome time teaching the kids about sports and God. I'll never forget the look on one girl's face when I explained that Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins, was buried in a tomb, but on the third day He arose from the grave! It was the first time she had ever heard that truth and was amazed by it!
Friday, August 3, 2012
I like simplicity. Not shallowness but simplicity. We live in a world of options (sometimes too many options). Too many options can many times equal lack of action. It's been called "paralysis by analysis." We think, we discuss, we propose, but we never do anything.
Starting this Sunday, I'm going to share a simple principle that is easy to understand and easy to implement in your daily life. I hope you will join us.
Starting this Sunday, I'm going to share a simple principle that is easy to understand and easy to implement in your daily life. I hope you will join us.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Pastor of the week on KFAX

Friday, June 22, 2012
Guest panelist on 1100 KFAX-AM last night
Had a unique experience last night, I was invited to be a panelist on Craig Roberts Lifeline program on 1100 KFAX-AM. The topic was the relationship between the local church and the city. If you have a few minutes to listen, I think you will find it quite educational and entertaining.
It is the 6/21/12 broadcast.
It is the 6/21/12 broadcast.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Great article on the use of television in the home
As many of you know, our church is hosting a parenting class this summer. It's been a great success with about 16 families participating. Going through the class again (this is my third time) has been a great reminder of why we do certain things and also a reminder of some things I've forgotten to implement. For me, television can become a huge time consumer...I can find myself wasting endless hours doing nothing but "checking out" in front of the TV. I came across this great article which has some of the most practical rules for television that I have ever heard. Believe me, if you follow them it will help your marriage and parenting. Have a great week!
Did you ever walk into a friend’s home for coffee and conversation and feel overwhelmed by the distraction of a big honking TV, right there in the living room, running some mindless show and competing for everyone’s attention?
Are you constantly worried about what kind of trash Junior might be watching at all hours on the TV in his room?
Is TV the dominant social presence in your home?
Are you afraid to limit your kids’ usage because you’ve tried to go down that road before and it was nothing but whining and complaining and breaking the rules?
If you answered “YES!”, or have any other TV issues constantly in the back of your mind, then it’s time to step up and establish manageable standards and limits in your home. There’s nothing to be afraid of, and a whole lot to look forward to once you get over the hump and introduce protocols that are fair and consistent.
Here are “10 Rules” from All Pro Dad that should help right the ship just in time for the summer break from school.
Follow this link to read the full article: 10 TV Rules You Must Have | All Pro Dad
Did you ever walk into a friend’s home for coffee and conversation and feel overwhelmed by the distraction of a big honking TV, right there in the living room, running some mindless show and competing for everyone’s attention?
Are you constantly worried about what kind of trash Junior might be watching at all hours on the TV in his room?
Is TV the dominant social presence in your home?
Are you afraid to limit your kids’ usage because you’ve tried to go down that road before and it was nothing but whining and complaining and breaking the rules?
If you answered “YES!”, or have any other TV issues constantly in the back of your mind, then it’s time to step up and establish manageable standards and limits in your home. There’s nothing to be afraid of, and a whole lot to look forward to once you get over the hump and introduce protocols that are fair and consistent.
Here are “10 Rules” from All Pro Dad that should help right the ship just in time for the summer break from school.
Follow this link to read the full article: 10 TV Rules You Must Have | All Pro Dad
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
We Finally Won A Game!
As many of you know, I play basketball in a recreational league. This is my second season of playing and finally this past Sunday we won our first game! I'm not sure if that says something about how good our team is or if it says something about how good our competition is (I'll let you make your own decision).
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Top 10 Things You and Your Wife Fight About from All Pro Dad
Read this article today and found it very insightful. Many marriages (including my own) go through seasons were it seems that everything, regardless of how small, can turn into conflict with your spouse. Here are two great suggestions from the article:
Sit down together and work out a budget. Agree to take a look at expenses every month. If the meeting is pre-arranged and you both come to the table with 100% transparency, then the conversation about money can move from the emotional and into the practical.
Family communication
“You never talk!” “You never listen!” Well, it’s easy to be distracted, so try this
- No TV during meals
- Dedicate 30 minutes every evening to “conversation with coffee” (or the beverage of your choice)
- Go through a book such as “201 Great Questions,” and actually schedule time for a tête-à -tête every day
You can read the entire article here:
Top 10 Things You and Your Wife Fight About | All Pro Dad
Sit down together and work out a budget. Agree to take a look at expenses every month. If the meeting is pre-arranged and you both come to the table with 100% transparency, then the conversation about money can move from the emotional and into the practical.
Family communication
“You never talk!” “You never listen!” Well, it’s easy to be distracted, so try this
- No TV during meals
- Dedicate 30 minutes every evening to “conversation with coffee” (or the beverage of your choice)
- Go through a book such as “201 Great Questions,” and actually schedule time for a tête-à -tête every day
You can read the entire article here:
Top 10 Things You and Your Wife Fight About | All Pro Dad
Monday, May 7, 2012
How I've Been Spending My Saturdays
Union City Green Dragons |
At the time, I wasn't quite sure what I was thinking but looking back I'm sure glad I choose to coach my son's soccer team. Although trying to coach 3, 4, 5, and 6 year old boys can be very daunting (sort of like hurding cats), it truly is a blast! It was especially fun this weekend since Ethan scored his first goal.
Ethan |
Monday, April 30, 2012
The Biggest Threat To Your Marriage
Recently I came across this article that really confirms what I have seen over the last few years in so many marriages. I hope this isn't your situation but if it is, don't wait...get the financial help you need now!
If you tracked the rate of debt in America over the past 50 years and compared it to the rate of divorce, they’re virtually identical. In fact, according to Dave Ramsey, of the couples who divorce between the ages of 20 and 30, 80% cite finances as the primary reason. The way you and your spouse handle money has a direct impact on the health of your family.
So if your finances aren’t what they should be, where should you start? With Steve Martin of course! Then, you need to figure out how to get out of credit card debt and how much to save. Love your family enough to get your finances in order.*
*Taken from
If you tracked the rate of debt in America over the past 50 years and compared it to the rate of divorce, they’re virtually identical. In fact, according to Dave Ramsey, of the couples who divorce between the ages of 20 and 30, 80% cite finances as the primary reason. The way you and your spouse handle money has a direct impact on the health of your family.
So if your finances aren’t what they should be, where should you start? With Steve Martin of course! Then, you need to figure out how to get out of credit card debt and how much to save. Love your family enough to get your finances in order.*
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Spring Break Fun!
This past week, the kids were off from school for Spring Break. So we decided to have a "staycation" (a vacation at home for the unenlightened). So I took two days off work and got to hang out with the family. On Wednesday we went to Great America. This was the first time for the kids and they had a great time (it was also my first time since high school). I found out that my stomach can't handle what it used too. On Thursday we spent the day in Vacaville with my parents. On Friday we stayed home and played games. On Saturday we went to Gilroy Gardens for more rides...after the 8th ride on the Silver Miner Roller Coaster, I had to get off or risk losing my lunch.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
9 Things You Need To Know About Your Pastor
Found this article recently that really sums up a lot of what being a pastor is all about. Hope it gives you a little insight into my life as a pastor. Enjoy!
1. He’s trying his best You may not believe it. You may think he’s just throwing things together, but he isn’t. The results may not be what want, but I’ve never met a pastor yet who didn’t want to succeed. He’s preaching the best sermons he can come up with, empowering the best volunteers he can find, and doing whatever he can to try and get you excited about your church. Whatever is bothering you about your church, trust me, he’s more frustrated than you are.2. He works harder than you think he does
You may work more hours than he does, but you’re not working harder. His mind never shuts off. He’s planning sermons, making phone calls, and doing visits. He’s always on call, he’s counseling, providing care, and being a husband and a dad. And every time he gets ready to finally take a break his phone rings with a call from somebody in the church. The emotional strain of pastoring wears him out.
3. He’s rarely 100% confident
He works really hard to come across as confident, but most of the time when he is pitching a new idea or casting vision, he’s only kind of sure. He hopes it works, he hopes it was God speaking and not his head, but he’s learned that waiting to be 100% confident will never come when you are working for God.
4. He has an ego
I’ve never met a great pastor yet, who doesn’t have a little bit of an ego. He has to. When he walks into a church that hasn’t grown under the last 5 pastors, there has to be a part of him that believes he can do something the others couldn’t. After enough people tell him “They aren’t getting fed anymore” he has to have something inside that believes he is a great speaker. Some pastors can be egotistical maniacs, but every great pastor has to have a little ego in them.
5. He’s worried you’re going to leave
It doesn’t matter if you’ve been at the church for 20 years, pastors feel like you are just one conflict away from trying another church. He probably shouldn’t be so defensive, but he has seen too many people walk out the door over small, silly things. The feeling of disappointment when someone leaves his church is impossible to explain to someone who has never experienced it, especially someone who is leaving.
6. He takes things personally
Even when you preface your statement with “Don’t take this personally, but…” I know in your mind it’s just a church, or it’s just a service, or it’s just a sermon, etc. But to him it’s his life, calling, and identity. When you say you don’t like the music, or that you’re leaving because no one has befriended you, he takes it personally because you’re talking about his family. It would be like if someone said to you, “I really love you and want to still hang out with you, but I don’t want to hang out at your house anymore because your kids are crazy. Don’t take that personally because it’s your kids not you, but we’ll have to hang out somewhere other than your house." That’s what it feels like.
7. You get on his nerves sometimes
Don’t take this personally, but you can be annoying sometimes. You probably don’t realize how fickle, or temperamental you are, but when you want to meet to talk about something “really important” and you tell him that you’re frustrated because your daughter didn’t get a solo in the Christmas play, it’s annoying. Sometimes it can feel like the loudest people are the least involved, and that’s even worse. Which leads us to the next thing you need to know…
8. Your encouragement matters (especially Monday-Saturday)
You will never know how much your encouragement lifts his spirits, especially during the week. While your encouragement of his sermon on Sunday is nice, sometimes it can seem less genuine, but when he get’s encouragement during the week he feels like you really care, and during your busy day you were thinking good things about him.
9. He would take a bullet for you
He would take a bullet for you, even if you wouldn’t take one for him. He has a burden for you because God gave it to him. He prays for you, he cares about you, and he would do anything he could to make sure that you know God. There are times when you feel like maybe your pastor doesn’t care about you, but it’s not true; he does. He may not get to speak to you or he may miss a visit sometimes, but if he didn’t care about you he wouldn’t be your pastor.
Taken From:
Thursday, March 22, 2012
9 Years and Counting!
We just finished celebrating MSC's 9th Anniversary. It was a great time. We baptized 5 new followers of Jesus! I still remember when we used to have a total of 5 people at our Sunday gatherings back in February of 2003 so for this community of Christ followers to grow from literally a handful to over 175+ people in these years is an amazing accomplishment. I truly love the people of our church. They have been so gracious to me, my wife, and kids. They have allowed this young, immature pastor who started at the age of 22 to "learn on the job." Below are some pictures and also a video that Andrew put together for the services.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Great Article From CNN
Every now and then I come across an article in the mainstream media that really resonates with me. This article really challenges much of what we attempt to do in modern day Christianity. We feel the responsibility to make God look good. Hope you'll take a few minutes to read this:
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