Friday, October 30, 2009

Alanna's First Field Trip

All parents will understand exactly how I feel when I say, "Kids grow up so fast." Yesterday, Alanna had her first field trip to Joann's Farm in Livermore. It just seems like yesterday that Alanna was just learning to say, "Dada," or that Cecil was teaching her the alphabet. Today, as you can see from the pictures, she is becoming a vibrant, beautiful young lady. She is full of energy and life. We also got her first report card yesterday and we were so proud that she received all +'s. Of course it is kindergarten but still, I'm a Dad so I get to brag :)!

1 comment:

cyanna said...

Great job baby girl!!! She is a smart lil one!!! You and Cecil are doing a great job. We will be running to u for lots of tips very soon!!