Monday, March 15, 2010

7th Anniversary of Morning Star Church

It's hard to believe that it was seven years ago that Cecil and I started MSC. Time has flown by. Here are a list of a few of the changes we have experienced over that time.
  1. We were young and energetic (hopefully we are still energetic but I don't think we feel young anymore)
  2. We added two to the family (Alanna and Ethan)
  3. We bought and sold our condo, then bought our current home
  4. We moved the church from the Marriott, to Musick Elementary, to Ruschin School
  5. We started MSC with 1 family and now there are about 150 people in the church family
  6. We have had our share of struggles and difficulties but God has been faithful
  7. We have learned to find our strength in God
  8. We have made many wonderful friendships
  9. We have seen people grow in Christ and we have shared the heartache of people walking away and rejecting Christ
  10. I finished seminary and received my MDIV degree

I hope you can join us this Sunday at either the 9 or 10:35 service. After the later service, we have baptism and BBQ celebration for everyone.

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