Sometimes in life, I just have to start things over again. There have been times with my kids that I have responded the wrong way, I was too harsh, or I was just no fun to be around. Instead of trying to explain to my 3 and 1 year old why Daddy was grumpy or angry, etc...I just told them this: "Daddy's sorry for acting the way he did, please forgive me and let's
start over again." Similar things have happened in my relationship with my wife, instead of trying to sort through who did or said this or that, we just decided that we needed to start from scratch,
start over again. That is one of the things that I love about the New Year, it's a chance for a fresh start. Thankfully, God is a God of new beginnings and second chances. Maybe there are things that happened in 2007 that didn't turn out how you hoped. Maybe you made some wrong decisions. Maybe you had misplaced priorities. Don't let your past determine your future.
This Sunday, I will be starting a new sermon series on Starting fresh in 2008. I hope that you will either join us at Morning Star Church or take the time to download the sermons from the church website, once they are posted. Remember this is a New Year, make it count!