This morning we officially kicked off our new early service at 9:00am. I am thankful for the people that made the switch to the early service. It will help us open up additional space in our 10:35am service. It is always encouraging to me to watch our people at work. Our band members played for both services and did a great job. I know how hard it is to be energetic at 9:00am but they did awesome. I'm also proud of our church and how they have embraced the goal of reaching out into the community. Sometimes that means we have to make sacrfices but it is always worth it.

This week we will be sending 37,000 of these mailer pieces to our community inviting them attend our services. Please pray with me that God will work in our community so that we have a great response to this outreach. Next Sunday should be exciting! Have a great first full week of 2008.
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