We are about 2 months in to the remodeling project at the new building and I wanted to give you an update. All the major construction projects are done except for stage, bathroom remodel, exterior double door entry, and exterior deck and ramp. Every part of the building received at least one coat of paint and the offices, nursery, kitchen, and main worship walls are completely done! Which means, we can start on flooring in the offices this week and should be able to start moving things in there by next Saturday. Hopefully our first service in the building will be March 30 and our Grand Opening/Anniversary Service will be April 6. So mark that date on your calendar to come and celebrate with us. There are already five that have expressed the desire to be baptized at that service and there will be a catered lunch to follow.
Huge, huge thank you to all the volunteers who have served so faithfully. If I were to guess, I think our volunteers will have saved us close to $100,000 by the time the project is finished. I love our church and how all of you have stepped up to give and serve!
Foyer |
Nursery Doors |
Offices |
Rich painting Worship Center Walls |
Rocky painting Worship Center Walls |
Worship Center |
Zussette painting Foyer Walls |