Saturday, July 20, 2013

It takes time...

Today our family had some church planting friends over for a BBQ. Like most people, I want my house to look good when I have guests and since we were planning to BBQ, I knew the back patio needed some TLC. It just so happened that my wife mentioned the day before that my eight year old daughter, Alanna, was looking to make some extra money. So I decided to hire some help. Over the years I have always tried to involve the kids in outdoor chores like weeding, pruning, and sweeping with varying degrees of success. Most of the time it really wasn't worth the hassle. But today...was different. I pruned, she picked up. I used the blower, she swept. She watered the tree, the brown spots in the lawn, and put everything away herself! It really saved me time to have her involved.
In many ways, that's how many things in life work. Last night, we had the quarterly discipleship mentor's meeting at our home. I remember when we started the discipleship program (we really didn't even know we were starting something), sometimes it seemed like such a huge investment of time meeting with people 1 on 1. They would take one step forward and then two steps back. Sometimes people dropped out, moved away, or went through life changes that kept them from finishing. But slowly we gave birth to a new generation of leaders at MSC. Leaders that had my passion for discipleship, leaders that understood our values, leaders that "got it"! As we went around the room last night and shared our struggles, our worries, our heartaches, and our was worth it! The American Church has by and large become a spectator sport. We go, fill our seat on Sunday, give some money, and maybe even volunteer once or twice a month but by and large true life change doesn't happen on Sunday morning, it doesn't happen in a small group program, it doesn't happen quickly, and definitely doesn't happen alone. My experience has taught me that true life change happens as we get serious about sharing life with each other around the values of Jesus. We are willingly transparent and accountable, we willingly encourage and correct, and we willingly make time to be together. I'm so grateful for the community that God is creating at MSC. Thanks for being a part of the team!

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