Today we had our first ever Church in the Park! We cancelled both morning services and held one outdoor service at Newark Community Park. Our purpose was to provide another opportunity to take our church out in the community. Well...it turned out great. First I have to thank everyone who help make the day possible. Big thanks goes to Drew, Barb, Linda, and Carrie for their help in organizing all the setup, food, and clean up. Of course there were many volunteers who came early, cooked, and stayed late. I especially want to thank Greg since he was the first to arrive and the last to leave. The best part is that we connected with 6 new families that were invited by others in our church family! Here is one quick story that one of the guests shared with me. She said that about a week ago she was sitting at McDonalds thinking about God, the journey of her life, and some of the difficulty things she was currently going to...someone from our church took the time to introduce themselves and handed her an invitation to attend Church in the Park! She told me that she felt like that invitation was an answer to prayer. So to everyone who made the day possible, thanks again...you are awesome!