The last few months have been incredibly busy but also incredibly great! Where do I start??? I guess I will go in chronological order.

1) Took the family to Disneyland for the first time. I'm so glad we waited until the kids were older to go. They were able to ride all the rides and it was a great bonding time for us and the kids. Alanna made a really cool observation while we were riding Pirates of Caribbean. We were all sitting on the same row in the boat and she said, "I really like it when we are all together as family doing something fun." Big reminder for me...make time to have fun with your family.

2) Travelled to Orlando, FL with my wife for a church planting conference. The conference was decent but the best part was getting to see friends and enjoy time as a couple. We got to hang out with our good friends Greg and Denise Peters. Even though we live so far apart, Greg and Denise hold a really, really special place in our heart. Greg would faithfully check in on me in the early years of church planting when things were tough and lonely. I wish we lived closer because its always great to hang out. After the conference I visited with my Grandmother and Aunt in Tampa, FL. Then Cecil and I got an extended weekend near Ft. Myers.
3) Big, big thank you to our parents for watching the kids for the 10 days we were gone! We know how lucky we are to have such involved grandparents.
4) The kids both participated in the Lutheran Schools Track Meet. Since I'm their Dad it's okay for me brag right??? Final standings:
50 meter dash – 1st place (it was so close they had to look at the photo finish – 8.67 seconds)
Long jump – 2nd place (with a distance of 8 ft 11 in)
Softball throw – 1st place (with a distance of 63 ft 4 in)
50 meter relay - 3rd place
Baseball throw – 2nd place (with a distance of 79 ft 4 in)
Long jump – 2nd place (with a distance of 7 ft 2 in)