Thursday, December 15, 2011

Christmas Season

This is the time of year for school Christmas programs and I am especially grateful that our children are able to attend Prince of Peace Christian School. They do a great job of focusing the students attention on the real meaning of Christmas...the birth of Jesus. This year I especially enjoyed both programs. Ethan was "Joseph" in the kindergarten program (Side note: I asked him if liked "Mary"...his answer, with a serious look on his face, "Dad, she's a girl" LOL). And Alanna and her best friend had a duet in the main program last night.

Every now and then people ask me how our family practices I thought I would share a few things we try to do:
  1. At least once a day, we remind our children that the real meaning of Christmas is the birth of Jesus.
  2. My wife (she does a great job with this) prepares a daily Advent calendar that our kids totally love. Each day there is a Scripture reading that explains who Jesus really is. Sometimes there is a little treat or activity planned as well. You can email her for ideas
  3. We make Christmas a fun time at our house. We play up Santa Clause, reindeer, elves, and of course presents.
  4. We make Christmas a time of both giving and receiving. I think this year we are doing the Christmas Gift for Jesus offering at church and we are donating some gifts to Compassion Network. I think we make a mistake when we don't include our children in these decisions.
  5. We create time for small simple things: seeing Christmas lights, the Bethlehem display at 1st Baptist Santa Clara, Christmas in the park, board games, etc...
  6. We play lots and lots of Christmas music in the house and the car. Nothing like rocking out to "Santa Clause Is Coming To Town" with everyone playing an air guitar. Our personal favorite version is from the Lonestar Christmas CD.
  7. We attend Christmas Eve services which really helps remind our children that Christmas is not about them.
  8. We read the Christmas story (and act it out sometimes) before opening presents on Christmas morning.
  9. We watch Christmas themed movies (you know the syrupy sweet, happily ever after movies) with the kids.
  10. And if things get too crazy...we cancel our plans and go to bed early :)
I hope that gives you some ideas. Merry Christmas!

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