Friday, August 12, 2011

Incredible week of MEGA Sports Camp

I just got finished with a busy, hectic week of sports camp. I'm tired...but it is a good tired. We had an incredible time each night. We averaged about 55 kids a night. Our coaches taught then basketball, soccer, baseball, and cheerleading. We learned awesome stuff about Jesus, sang and danced, and celebrated together. I've included a video that captures the excitement of the week. To all our volunteers that made this week happen...THANK YOU!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Community Back To School BBQ

Tomorrow is our annual outreach BBQ at Newark Community Park. It's from 11:00am to 2:00pm. If you are local I'll hope you'll come join us. Last night we had about 20 volunteers come to the church and fill 155 backpacks with school supplies! This is our largest total ever. I'm so grateful for those who have given sacrificially and volunteered to make this event a success! Our church family really cares about the community and building God's Kingdom and I am grateful to be the pastor. See you tomorrow!