Recently, I have been spending some substantial time working on both the transitional team and now board for Next Generation Churches of Northern California and Nevada. This process has been very eye opening and also educational as our board has needed to work through numerous vision, philisophical, and organizational hurdles. During this time, a member church decided after many years of ministry to close it's doors and they donated their building and property to our association. As part of our responsiblity as board members we are now considering the best options available for it's use. Over these months I have been able to learn more and more about this church's history and timeline. I was intrigued to learn that at one time it was a growing fellowship of believers whose attendance had grown to probably more than 200. Then upon the purchase of their final building things began a long, slow decline. Recently while touring the building and considering the options avaliable to use, I had to restroom in the upstairs. When I opened the door to go into the men's room, I saw this large VISION and MISSIONS sign. I thought to myself how sad, that this church with good intentions and real desire to follow Christ now finds itself nonexistent. So I asked myself this question, "How did this happen?" Over the next few days I plan on doing some posting in response to this question. I hope you will check in regularly and also I would love to get your thoughts on why this type of stuff happens to churches.