Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas! I want all of you to know, especially my immediate family and church family, how much I love and appreciate you. It is the people in my life that bring meaning and purpose to all that I do. There seems to be so much going on at church right now. Our children's ministry did a wonderful job on Sunday singing four Christmas songs and memorizing the Christmas story from Luke chapter two. Cyanna del Rosario is a great children's ministry leader and is doing a wonderful job working with the kids of Morning Star. Tonight we have two Christmas Eve services, one at 5:00pm and one at 8:00pm. It has been exciting to hear from so many of you that you have family and friends coming. Our worship leader and worship team have spent lots of time preparing a wonderful evening for all of us to enjoy. Just about every day I thank God that I get to pastor such a great church and that I have so many friends here at Morning Star. My family wishes you a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year!

Don't forget starting on January 6 we are starting an early service at 9:00am in additionl to our normally scheduled 10:35am service.


tsudbrook said...

I enjoyed reading your blog and thought it was wonderful that you gave praise to Cyanna. Cyanna and her ministry leaders are doing a wonderful job. You all have been a blessing to my family.

Unknown said...

All to the glory of God! I'm grateful that He would choose to use little ol' me for his purposes on this Earth. Thank you Jesus!