Sometimes I forget how blessed I really am. God has been so good to me and my family. Tonight, I put my son, Ethan, to bed and since he is such a lite sleeper he woke up again about an hour later. So around 9pm I found myself holding and rocking him back to sleep. As I was enjoyed those moments of holding Ethan close, I started to thank God for my son and that reminded me of how God has healed his congenital heart defect. One thing led to another and the list of items to thank God for went on and on. So I thought I would make a list of some of the things I'm really thankful for:
- God's grace in redeeming my life and providing forgiveness for my sin
- My wonderful wife - she is exactly what I need (and want)
- My kids - each one has taught me so much
- My parents and extended family - our extended family loves us and each other
- My church - I'm still amazed that people show up each Sunday to hear me preach
- My friends - life truly is about relationships and sharing the journey with others
- Our new home - we never imagined we would ever own a brand new home
- Did I mention my wife yet :)
- The Bible - it is still relevant and life changing and offers hope for everyone
- Living in America - we live in the best place on earth
- My health -
- Dreams and visions - I'm really excited about the future. The opportunities and possibilities are limitless
- Prayer - we get to talk to God. Enough said...
- Cars that work
- Food on the table
The list could go on and on, but I need to empty the garbage and put it out on the curb for pickup. O ya, one more thing: I'm thankful for Fridays since that's my day off of work.